Brighton16 & Worthing Philharmonic Orchestra

Sat 5th April, 2025 @ 7:30pm
St George's Church, Worthing

Tickets £10 available online and on the door. 

Brighton16 and WPO collaborate for the first time. The evening opens with an orchestral overture followed by RVW's Mass in G Minor. We conclude with Durufle's Requiem (1961) with mezzo soprano Frances Rowberry.

Tickets £10 available online and on the door.

Brighton16 'To The Sea...'

Sat 7th June, 2025 @ 7:30pm
St Paul's Church, Brighton

Brighton16 present a stunning array of choral motets and arrangements of music on the subject of the sea. 

The recital includes unaccompanied choral works by Vaughan Williams, Holst, Delius, Parry, Andrew, Burke, Campbell, Grainger, and Ireland. Our programme concludes with a rare UK performance of 'Canticum Calamitatis Maritimae' by Mantyjarvi, a work written in memory of the survivors of the 1994 sinking of the MS Estonia. 

Tickets £10 available online and on the door. A percentage of our concert proceeds go to RNLI.

Brighton16 & Phoenix Big Band

Sat 27th Sept, 2025 @ 7:30pm
Chichester Cathedral, Sussex

Brighton16 and Phoenix Big Band collaborate again for another chance to hear Duke Ellington's 'Sacred Concert'. Together with tap dancer Lee Payne, this should be a fantastic evening of choral music, big band music and live dance. In addition to the Ellington, Phoenix Big Band will perform a number of jazz standards, and Brighton16 will be perform the Five Spirituals by Tippett. 

Tickets £15 available online and on the door. 


Brighton16 & Phoenix Big Band

Sat 8th June 2024, 7:30pm
St Nicholas Church, Arundel (West Sussex)

Join us for a high-energy performance of Duke Ellington's sacred music for chamber choir, tap dancer and big band, paired with some beautiful unaccompanied spirituals and instrumental jazz standards...

Five Spirituals by Tippett (from A Child of Our Time)

Sacred Concert by Ellington, arr. Hoybye and Pedersen

Tickets £15 available here:

Brighton16 'Lamenti & Weh'

Sat 23rd March 2024, 5pm
St Michael & All Angels Church, Brighton

Join us for an Eastertide programme of choral motets featuring works from early and late Italian and German Baroque masters. Guest artists are Petra Hajduchova (harpsichord) and Joe Giddey (cello). 

Carissimi - Christus factus est

Scarlatti - Stabat Mater

Schutz - Selig sind die Toten

Kuhnau - Tristis est anima mea

Bach - Komm Jesu, Komm

Free admission (Pay What You Want). Refreshments will be available for a donation during the event.

Brighton16 & Phoenix Big Band

Sat 17th June, 7pm
St Michael & All Angels Church, Brighton

Join us for a rare performance of Duke Ellington's sacred music for chamber choir and big band, paired with some beautiful unaccompanied spirituals and various instrumental jazz standards...

Five Spirituals by Tippett (from A Child of Our Time)

Sacred Concert by Ellington, arr. Hoybye and Pedersen

Free admission (Pay What You Want). Refreshments will be available for a donation during the event. 

Brighton16 'Towards Expressionism'

Saturday 9th July 2022, 7pm
St Michael & All Angels Church, Brighton

Stunning programme of rarely performed and challenging chamber choir works exploring the Expressionist movement.

Rheinberger Abendlied, Brahms Warum ist Der licht gegeben, Smyth Komm susser Tod, Bruckner Christus factus est, Strauss Der Abend, Reger Schweigen and Schoenberg Three Folksong Arrangements.

Free admission. Donations collected on behalf of local charities.

Brighton16 'Tales of Love' (world premiere, new English translation of Brahms Liebeslieder Waltzes)

Sat 4th June 2022, 5pm
Brighthelm Centre Auditorium, Brighton

Come and here the world premiere performance of 'Tales of Love', a new modern English translation by Matt Jelf and Christopher Goldsack of the Liebeslieder Waltzer by Brahms.

Tales of Love Op.52 by Brahms, English translation by Jelf

Tales of Love Op.65 by Brahms, English translation by Goldsack

Free admission. Donations collected on behalf of local charities.

Brighton16 '20th Century Praise'

Saturday 8th February 2020, 2pm
St Michael & All Angels Church, Brighton

Sacred programme spanning music from 1905 - 1995: Stanford Three Motets, Bainton And I Saw A New Heaven, Britten Rejoice in the Lamb, Finzi Lo the Full Final Sacrifice, Durufle Quatre motets sue des themes gregoriens, Gorecki Totus Tuus, Tavener Song For Athene and Lauridsen O Magnum Mysterium

Free admission. Donations collected on behalf of local charities. 

Brighton16 Choral Evensong

Saturday 14th December 2019, 5pm
Church of the Good Shepherd, Brighton

Smith Responses
Stanford in C
Britten Hymn to the Virgin

Free admission. Donations collected on behalf of local charities. 

Howells & Martin - Choral Masterpieces

Friday 31st March + Saturday 1st June 2019, 19.30
St Michael's All Angels, Brighton, BN1 3FS

Howells Requiem

Howells Take him, earth, for cherishing

Martin Mass for Double Choir

This concert will be part
of the Brighton Fringe Festival 2019
£9 adults, £8 concessions.

20th Century Part Songs

Saturday 9th Feb, 2019
St Michael's All Angels, Brighton

Parry Songs of Farewell 1. My soul there is a country, 3. Never weather beaten sail, 4. There is an old belief

Finzi Seven Poems by Robert Bridges 3. My spirit sang all day, 4. Clear and gentle stream, 5. Nightingales, 7. Wherefore tonight so full of care

Vaughan Williams Three Shakespeare Songs 1. Full Fathom Five, 2. The cloud capp'd towers, 3. Over hill, over dale and The Lovers Ghost

Elgar My love dwelt in a Northern land and Deep in my soul

Delius To be sung of a summer's night on the water (Part 1)

Free admission. Donations collected on behalf of local charities. 

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